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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Secret Fort Wayne

fromSasha Kaun
dateThu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:22 PM
subjectSecret Fort Wayne

Hello George,

My name is Sasha Kaun.  I am very interested in purchasing Secret Fort Wayne.  I have some great ideas in mind and would very much like to purchase it.  Please let me know what details you can provide.

Thank you,
Sasha Kaun

fromGeorge Turkette
toSasha Kaun 
dateThu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:33 PM
subjectRe: Secret Fort Wayne

Hi Sasha,

The sale will include all intellectual property to the purchaser. This includes, all printed material artwork, website domain(s), which and All concepts, existing website content, passwords, and transfer of the Facebook including all other Facebook pages for other secret cities, which include the following cities:

Warsaw, IN - Angola, IN - Columbia City, IN - Huntington, IN (active)
Muncie, IN & Bloomington, IN (not active)

The total number of fans for the active pages are as follows:
Fort Wayne - 9338
Huntington - 1805
Columbia City - 637
Warsaw - 1160
Angola - 407
Total number of fans = 13347

(numbers are as of last month)

Valuation metrics:

“The figure of 1 fan = 20 extra visits to a website uses a unique methodology that combines Hitwise data with data from social media experts Techlightenment. We took the top 100 retailers ranked in the Hitwise Shopping and Classifieds category and benchmarked visits to those websites against the number of fans those brands had on their Facebook page. We then also looked at the propensity for people to search for those retail brands after a visit to Facebook using our Search Sequence tool.”

According to a study by Syncapse, the average Facebook fan is worth $136.38. (PDF link).

story in Adweek pointed out the annual value of one Facebook van is $3.60, citing a report by Social Media Specialist Vitrue.

Based on the latter numbers, it could have a value to someone that effectively used it to market products and/or services of $48,049 annually.

The asking price is as follows:

Contract sale: $7500
Terms: 12 monthly payments of $625

Cash sale: $5500

We're in the process of listing it with a business broker, so if you can let us know soon, that would be desirable, as the price will be higher with them to cover their cost.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me back! 

George Turkette


fromSasha Kaun 
toGeorge Turkette
dateThu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:45 PM
subjectRe: Secret Fort Wayne

Thank you for the quick reply.  Would you be open to negotiation?


fromGeorge Turkette
toSasha Kaun 
dateThu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:49 PM
subjectRe: Secret Fort Wayne

No problem. I would absolutely be open to negotiation. 

George Turkette


fromSasha Kaun 
toGeorge Turkette
dateThu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:59 PM
subjectRe: Secret Fort Wayne


Perfect!  I appreciate your open attitude.  Would you accept a straight-up trade for  This website has a steady increase in viewers and there is no shortage of individuals that hate Conor.  In fact, I have hated Conor for almost 8 years now and I have become tired from it.  I feel this a great opportunity for both of us.  Please let me know what you think.

Sasha Kaun


fromGeorge Turkette
toSasha Kaun
dateThu, Aug 25, 2011 at 7:03 PM
subjectRe: Secret Fort Wayne

No thanks. 

George Turkette 
Guitar Tech | Stage Manager
Sent from my iPhone 


fromSasha Kaun
toGeorge Turkette
dateThu, Aug 25, 2011 at 7:06 PM
subjectRe: Secret Fort Wayne

Ok.  I just want to make sure that you have fully viewed the site first.  We have people who hate Conor in over 20 states and several countries.  There is a global hate of Conor.  Please let me know your thoughts.


fromGeorge Turkette
toSasha Kaun 
dateThu, Aug 25, 2011 at 7:10 PM
subjectRe: Secret Fort Wayne

It is for sale for serious bidders only. Have a great day

George Turkette 
Guitar Tech | Stage Manager
Sent from my iPhone 

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