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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monopoly Question

Customer (Sasha Kaun)04/12/2010 09:05 PM
Hello Hasbro,

I am writing this email concerning a game of Monopoly I am playing. I volunteer at a local nursing home every weekday after school. Generally I just keep the residents company. As part of this, I began playing a game of Monopoly with Thelma, Rodger, and Julie. Because I am playing at a nursing home, the play tends to be very slow. We have been playing this particular game for almost 2 weeks. We are all EXTREMELY into this game. However, we have come across and problem and need your assistance.

Julie died earlier today. Now we are very conflicted as to how we are supposed to continue. Do we have to start over? I don't want this because it has taken almost 2 weeks and no one has gone bankrupt yet. Can we let Judy (another resident) play for Julie or do we have to allow a family member of Julie to take her place? Do you think she put it in her will who should take her place in Monopoly? Can you do this?

Please let me know what the official rules are concerning player deaths.



fromHasbro Consumer Affairs
reply-toHasbro Consumer Affairs
dateTue, Apr 13, 2010 at 7:51 AM
subjectMonopoly Question [Incident: 100412-000154]

Response (Stephanie)04/13/2010 08:51 AM
Hi Sasha,

Thank you for contacting Hasbro regarding Monopoly.

In response to your inquiry, there are no official rules for this type of situation. You may need to make a house rule; which all the remaining players should agree on.

We want to assure you that we are dedicated to maintaining quality products and service. We hope you and your family will continue to enjoy our products for many years to come.

Again, thank you for contacting us.

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