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Monday, October 17, 2011

Elkhart Business Opportunity

fromSasha Kaun
dateMon, Sep 5, 2011 at 8:42 PM
subjectElkhart Business Opportunity

Hello Mr. Garrett,

I am looking to possibly bring a new business to Elkhart.  Right now, I would be looking at hiring 5 full-time employees, but could double if successful overtime.  Right now, I am writing to see if you would have any ideas for possible renting opportunities.  At this point, I would be looking at renting rather than owning a building.  Please let me know if you would like further information on this exciting new business opportunity in Elkhart.

Thank you,


Garrett, Barkley
toSasha Kaun <>
dateThu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:18 PM
subjectRE: Elkhart Business Opportunity

Thank you for the email.  My apologies for the delay in responding to your request.

Please give me some additional information about your needs (e.g. size of building, retail / manufacturing, location within the city, etc.).


Barkley P. Garrett, CEcD
Director, Economic Development
City of Elkhart


fromSasha Kaun 
to"Garrett, Barkley"
dateThu, Sep 8, 2011 at 7:50 PM
subjectRe: Elkhart Business Opportunity

Hello Barkley,

No worries on the delay.

I plan to open "Vincent van Ohhh!'s".  This is a play on words.  I think of it as both a creative name and a representation of the business.  This "sticky art" business can be summed up into one word: modern artistic design.  The premise is that a customer arrives at the business.  Here they pay for a canvas, glitter, and a private room.  The canvas is set up on an easel in the private room.  It is during this time the customer self-pleasures himself to the point of planting the seed on the canvas.  Before the ejaculate dries, he throws the glitter (of colors of his choosing) onto the easel sticking to the semen.  After drying, this fine piece of art can be taken home to be displayed above the fireplace or given to a neighbor as a Christmas present.

Andy Warhol was a very popular artist and now Elkhart
 residents will be able to create their own Warhol-esque paintings.  I believe there is no better city than Elkhart to open the original "Vincent van Ohhhh!'s" and Elkhart is where I want to "come".

Please let me know what you think of this idea and if you have any ideas for a good, affordable location.  I would prefer to rent and would need just an area with several rooms.  Again, initially I will be hiring 5 full-time employees.



Garrett, Barkley
toSasha Kaun <>
dateThu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:27 AM
subjectRE: [SPAM] Re: Elkhart Business Opportunity


Thank you for your interest in our community.

However, I am quite certain this type of a business would not go over well here.  I suggest that you target a larger city with a more diverse population.

Take care,

Barkley P. Garrett, CEcD
Director, Economic Development
City of Elkhart

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